
Virtual Business Numbers for Yelp

Get a local virtual phone number for your business listing on yelp
without needing a physical phone line.

  • Boosting Yelp search ranking instantly
  • Professional image that builds trust with customers
  • Scalability and affordability add additional phone lines
  • Convenience and flexibility Manage calls from any device
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1000's local

Get a number
in minutes

Instantly boost
search ranking

Built trust

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Go Local. Grow Local With Your Yelp Virtual Number

Enhance your businesses local reputation, drive local advertising,
increase pick up rates and set local working hours.

How does a local virtual number work?

A virtual landline is a professional, regional phone number that isn't tied to a physical phone line.

Why Choose a Virtual Landline for Yelp?

Free Mobile Forwarding:
No landlines needed, forward calls to your mobile for free, and save callers money with your local number.

Local and National Numbers:
Customers always prefer to deal with local businesses. Your local number will instantly provide a local presence.

Easy Management:
Set up call forwarding preferences and order additional virtual numbers through our user-friendly online portal.

Separate Business & Personal:
Maintain privacy and professionalism by keeping your business calls separate from your personal life.

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Who Needs a Virtual Landline?

Small Businesses & Startups: Establish a professional image
without the overhead of traditional phone systems.

Remote Workers & Freelancers: Maintain a dedicated business
line while working from anywhere.

Businesses with Multiple Locations: Create a unified phone
system with local numbers for each region.

Enhance Your Business
with 40+ Phone Features

Desktop + Mobile Apps

Stay connected with LimePhone on your desktop, Android App or any browser.

Call Forwarding

Route business calls to your personal phone or to another team member.

Business Texting

Provide updates and quick replies via text messaging on your business number.

Custom Greetings

Record professional messages that welcome your customers when they call in.

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Local Number FAQs

What are Popular Area Codes for Local Business Numbers?

Does LimePhone Support International Calls?

Can I Get a Vanity Number that Spells My Company Name?

Can I Transfer My Existing Local Business Number to LimePhone?

Does My Local Number Need to Match My Business Address?

Local vs. Toll-Free Numbers: What's the Difference?

Can I Have Multiple Local Business Numbers with LimePhone?

Why Should My Business Use a Local Phone Number?

Get started in 2 minutes

Chose a new phone number, divert to your mobile and start receiving calls, whatsapp and text in no time.

Signup Now

Cancel anytime

No contracts

Money back guarantee