
Texting with Tenants: The Ultimate Guide for Property Managers for 2024

June 20, 2024
Texting with Tenants: The Ultimate Guide for Property Managers for 2024

The relentless pursuit of growth is a driving force for many property managers. In fact, a whopping 48% of you list it as your top goal! This focus on expanding your portfolio is closely followed by a desire for efficiency, with 45% prioritizing streamlined operations.

But here's the catch: These two ambitions are intricately linked. How can you possibly reduce vacancies or take on new properties while juggling countless daily tasks? The reality is, property managers are often bogged down by the minutia – serving residents, managing maintenance requests, and handling after-hours emergencies. It's no wonder that efficiency and growth often fall by the wayside when you're constantly on the phone.

However, there's a game-changer waiting to be utilized: texting. By strategically incorporating text messaging into your communication strategy, property management teams can achieve significant improvements in several key areas.

This guide dives deep into how texting can be leveraged to:

  • Streamline Communication: Learn key strategies to organize your team's communication and free up valuable time.
  • Boost Resident Satisfaction: Discover how texting can enhance the resident experience, leading to happier tenants and fewer headaches.
  • Reach New Prospects Quickly: Explore efficient tactics for attracting potential renters through text outreach.

In addition, we'll provide best practices for implementing texting within your team, ensuring a smooth and successful transition. 

5 Apartment SMS Examples for Communicating with Residents

Texting offers a convenient and readily-available communication channel for property managers. It can automate routine tasks and free up time for more pressing matters. 

However, it's crucial to comply with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). To ensure you're on the right side of the law, always obtain written permission from residents before texting them. This permission should outline the frequency of messages, your privacy policy, and clear opt-in/opt-out instructions. Permission can be gathered through a website form or a physical document.

Remember, respect goes a long way! Include an opt-out message in every text, such as: "Reply STOP to opt out of receiving texts from us."

Next, consider leveraging text templates with a personal touch! Automating resident names in your messages adds a layer of authenticity that shows you care. For any new prospects who may not recognize your number, introduce yourself at the beginning of your initial text.

Here's a breakdown of some key ways to leverage texting for efficient communication with your residents:

1. Sending Bulk Texts for Urgent Updates: Getting Ahead of the Curve

Imagine the scenario: the water's off, and residents' first instinct is to call, even if you've already emailed an update. But what if you could reach them directly with a message that will likely land on their phone's home screen? Texting for urgent community updates can significantly reduce the number of frantic calls your team receives.

Case Study: Streamlining Communication with Home & People

Home & People, a leader in student and multifamily housing, demonstrates the power of automated text announcements. By utilizing LimePhone's Zapier integration, they send automated texts to residents for major announcements, ensuring everyone is kept in the loop.

Here's a Customizable Text Template for Urgent Updates:

Hi [resident name], this is [your name] from [community name]. We're informing you that due to a broken pipe, we've had to unexpectedly shut off the water. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. Feel free to text us if you have any questions. To opt out of receiving texts from us, reply STOP.

Pro Tip: Copy and paste this example into your text message system, along with a spreadsheet containing your contact list. Enable the Zap function, and you can easily update the spreadsheet whenever a new issue arises.

2. Sending Community Event Invites: Boosting Attendance Through Text Reminders

Texting isn't just for emergencies! Community events often experience higher attendance when everyone receives a reminder. Ditch the flyers and printed invitations and reach your residents directly on their phones. 

This example text message can be easily adapted for your specific event:

Attention [Community name] residents! Just a friendly reminder: This Saturday at 7:00 PM, we're hosting a Netflix Binge Night! Catch Stranger Things in person at the clubhouse or join the virtual party at [INSERT URL]. To opt out of receiving texts from us at any time, reply back STOP.

3. Providing Text Support for Maintenance Requests: Streamlining Communication

Maintenance requests can arrive through a variety of channels: phone calls, voicemails, emails, or website forms. Streamline communication by responding with a text message. This keeps all requests centralized within your LimePhone system. You can even include a calendar link to schedule the maintenance directly, eliminating the back-and-forth scheduling dance!

Here's a Text Template for Maintenance Requests:

Hi [resident name], we're currently scheduling your maintenance request. Click this link to choose a time that works best for you: [link]. If you'd prefer to be present during the repair, we'll follow up to confirm a time. Otherwise, we'll complete the repair within 48 hours. To opt out of texts from us, reply STOP.

Bonus Tip: LimePhone allows for internal collaboration on incoming texts. Property managers can ping maintenance staff, discuss issues, and share responsibility for replies. This translates to faster responses, quicker fixes, and happier residents.

4. Sending Rent Reminders: Making On-Time Payments Easier

Are you noticing a trend of new residents unfamiliar with your online payment portal? Texting can be used to send recurring rent reminders. Your team can send residents a message that includes a link to the portal and a follow-up text at the end of the grace period.

Here's a Text Reminder Template for Rent:

Friendly reminder that rent is due on December 1st. Avoid a late fee of $15 by paying $1,807 by December 5th. Pay online at [link] or by check in the office. You can also set up automated payments by clicking [link]. Feel free to call or text this number if you have any questions. Thanks! If you wish to no longer receive messages from us, reply back STOP.

5. Informing Residents of Outstanding Payments: Addressing Late Fees Proactively

There's some debate about late fee reminders, but if your tenants face penalties, texting allows you to document attempts to communicate through multiple methods. This can be helpful in case of disputes. Here's a customizable text message you can schedule for residents who are behind on rent:

Here's a Text Template for Late Rent Reminders:

This is a friendly reminder that your December rent payment of $1,807 is overdue. Please make a payment as soon as possible to avoid a late fee, which will be applied after December 15th. Feel free to call or text this number if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks! To opt out of receiving texts from us, reply STOP.

Remember, a little empathy goes a long way! While the goal is to collect rent, avoid overly harsh language. Focus on providing clear information and offering assistance.

By incorporating texting into your communication strategy, you can significantly improve resident communication, streamline daily tasks, and boost overall satisfaction. Texting is a powerful tool, but remember to use it responsibly and always prioritize resident privacy and preferences.

4 Apartment SMS Examples to Engage Prospective Tenants

Texting offers an excellent way to connect with potential renters and showcase your apartments. Just like with current residents, it's crucial to obtain permission before texting prospective tenants or community members. Ensure clear communication from the start by having them opt-in through a form when they initially contact you or schedule a viewing.

Here are 4 effective text message strategies to capture the interest of prospective tenants and help drive up occupancy:

1. Streamline Scheduling and Reduce No-Shows with Automated Tour Confirmations

Did you know you can leverage technology to minimize the frustration of no-shows? By setting up a Zapier event, you can automatically send text confirmations for scheduled tours. This ensures clarity and reduces the chances of missed appointments. Whenever a potential renter books a viewing through your Calendly system, they'll automatically receive a text confirmation.

Here's a Customizable Text Template for Tour Confirmations:

Hi [prospect name], thanks for scheduling a tour of [Community name]! Your appointment is confirmed for [date and time]. You should have also received a Google calendar invite for your reference. Need to reschedule? Simply reply to this text or give us a call. We're flexible and happy to find a new time that works for you! Looking forward to meeting you! P.S. If you'd prefer not to receive future texts from us, just reply STOP.

2. Offer Virtual Tours: Providing Instant Access and Convenience

MMS photos or links to virtual tours are powerful tools that allow potential renters to explore your apartments from the comfort of their own homes. This eliminates the need for them to wait for an in-person viewing. However, sharing these links effectively over the phone can be tricky. Texting solves this problem! Here's an example text you can use:

Here's a Customizable Text Template for Sharing Virtual Tours:

Welcome to [Community name]! We're excited you're interested in our apartments. Take a virtual tour at your convenience: [link to virtual tour]. Want to see it in person? No problem! Click here to schedule a tour: [link to scheduling calendar]. Have any questions? Feel free to call or text us back! We're happy to help! P.S. You can opt out of future texts by replying STOP.

3. Send Follow-Up Texts with Floor Plans: Keeping Important Details Top-of-Mind

Following an in-person tour, some potential tenants might forget specific details about the apartment, like the location of the hot water heater or the size of the master closet. Leave a lasting impression by sending a follow-up text with an MMS photo of the floor plan. This serves as a helpful reminder and reinforces their interest.

Here's a Customizable Text Template for Sending Floor Plans:

Hi [prospect name], thanks for visiting [Community name]! We enjoyed showing you around. As promised, here's the floor plan for the [apartment type] you saw today: [link to MMS image of floor plan]. Have any additional questions? Don't hesitate to call or text us back! P.S. You can opt out of future texts by replying STOP.

Pro Tip: LimePhone allows you to schedule text messages. This means you can set a specific time after the tour to automatically send the floor plan text, ensuring it arrives when the details are still fresh in the prospect's mind.

4. Highlight Limited-Time Leasing Incentives: Capitalize on Urgency

Prospective renters may not always be aware of current leasing incentives or know when these deals expire. Texting allows you to keep them informed and create a sense of urgency. By sending out targeted texts, you can capture their attention and potentially convert them into satisfied residents.

Here's a Customizable Text Template for Highlighting Leasing Incentives:

Dreaming of poolside relaxation this summer? [Community name] can make it a reality! Don't miss our Memorial Day leasing event! Start your lease by May 31st and get a whopping $1,000 off a 2-bedroom apartment! Have questions? Just text or call us back! We're here to answer them all! P.S. If you'd prefer not to receive future texts from us, reply STOP.

By incorporating these texting strategies into your marketing efforts, you can effectively engage potential renters, showcase your properties, and ultimately increase your occupancy rates. Remember, texting is a powerful tool, but it's important to use it responsibly. Always prioritize clear communication, respect prospect privacy, and avoid excessive or intrusive messages.

Why Use SMS Messaging?

In today's fast-paced world, property managers are constantly seeking ways to streamline communication and improve efficiency. Texting emerges as a clear frontrunner, offering significant advantages over traditional methods like email. 

Let's explore why texting is a game-changer for resident communication:

1. Unmatched Open Rates and Response Times: Getting Your Message Across Quickly

Imagine a communication channel where nearly every message is seen and gets a response within minutes. That's the power of texting! Boasting sky-high open rates of 98% and average response times of just 90 seconds, texting far outshines email. In fact, texting boasts a response rate more than seven times higher than email, ensuring your messages are not only delivered but also acted upon.

This translates to residents receiving important updates and information promptly, while property managers can address issues and answer questions in real-time.

2. Reaching Residents Where They Are: Leveraging Existing Habits

Residents are already accustomed to incorporating SMS and MMS texting into their daily routines. By utilizing this familiar communication channel, you're guaranteed to reach them directly on a device they constantly carry. This eliminates the need to chase down elusive emails or play phone tag.

Furthermore, residents are more likely to see community updates, event reminders, and important announcements sent via text. This fosters a more informed and engaged resident population.

3. Striking a Work-Life Balance with After-Hours Communication:

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for property management teams. Texting allows you to establish clear boundaries while still providing residents with a level of after-hours support. By utilizing automated response features, you can acknowledge after-hours texts and let residents know when they can expect a more detailed response. This ensures residents are heard while protecting your team's valuable personal time.

4. Building a Clear Communication History: Keeping Everyone Informed

Texting creates a documented record of all communication with residents. Important information regarding maintenance requests, policy changes, or upcoming events is readily accessible in a central location. This eliminates confusion and ensures residents are always kept in the loop.

This documented history also serves as a valuable resource in case of any disputes or misunderstandings. By having a clear record of communication, you can easily demonstrate that residents were properly informed.

5. Streamlined Operations and Improved Efficiency: Making the Most of Your Time

Finally, texting allows your team to make calls using the same number used for texting. This simplifies communication and eliminates the need to manage separate phone lines. These seemingly small improvements add up, allowing your team to operate more efficiently and dedicate more time to high-value tasks.

Apartment Texting Best Practices

Texting offers a powerful communication channel for property managers, but it's crucial to use it effectively and professionally. Here are some key best practices to keep in mind as you engage with residents and prospects via text:

1. Prioritize Clarity and Avoid Confusion: Ditch the Generic Link Shorteners

Unfamiliar link shortening services like "" can be a red flag for some mobile carriers, potentially blocking your texts from reaching their intended recipients. Instead, invest in a dedicated, branded short domain that belongs to your business. This builds trust and ensures your links are delivered successfully.

Pro Tip: Many business phone service providers offer branded short domain options as part of their packages.

2. Leverage a Centralized Number for Seamless Communication: One Number, One Team

Empowering your entire team to communicate with residents and prospects through a single number offers numerous advantages. This allows for seamless call and text handling, regardless of who on your team is available. You can also utilize shared numbers to ensure everyone who needs to access resident calls and texts has the necessary permissions. This eliminates the need for team members to give out personal numbers for work purposes.

From a resident's perspective, a familiar number fosters trust and recognition. They're more likely to answer a text from a known property number. Furthermore, LimePhone allows multiple team members to be on separate calls simultaneously using the same number, eliminating concerns about busy lines and ensuring residents can always reach someone when needed.

3. Set Expectations with Automated Replies: Manage Availability and Avoid Frustration

Residents may not always be aware of your office hours. By setting up automated response messages, you can proactively manage expectations and avoid frustrated callers. Here's an example of an auto-reply you can use during business hours:

Example: Text During Business Hours:

Hi! Thanks for contacting [Community name]! We received your text and will respond as soon as possible. In the meantime, feel free to reply to this message and we'll text you back!

For after-hours communication, consider an auto-reply like this:

Example: Text After Business Hours:

Thank you for contacting [Community name]! Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Saturdays-Sundays from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If you have a maintenance emergency, please call [emergency number]. For any questions or to schedule a tour, feel free to reply to this text and we'll get back to you during business hours. Thanks!

4. Maintain Work-Life Balance: Embrace Delegation and After-Hours Support

Shared numbers can be easily transferred to assistants or team members working later shifts. In smaller offices, auto-replies provide residents with an after-hours emergency contact number, allowing you and your team to truly disconnect and enjoy well-deserved personal time.

5. Streamline Collaboration with Team Mentions: Tagging for Efficiency

Encourage your team to leverage @mentions within text conversations. This allows them to tag one another for collaboration on complex issues or quickly direct residents to the appropriate team member, such as maintenance staff. This fosters a collaborative environment and ensures residents receive prompt and accurate assistance.

6. Save Time and Maintain Consistency with Text Snippets

Creating text snippets from frequently used messages can save your team valuable time and ensure consistent communication. These snippets can include anything from appointment confirmations to maintenance request procedures. Once created, share these snippets with your entire team for easy access.

7. Ensure Carrier Compliance: Avoiding Spam Filters and Building Trust

US mobile carriers have implemented additional verification steps for anyone sending texts to their customers through virtual phone solutions. This verification process helps reduce spam and fraudulent messages, ultimately protecting residents from unwanted communication.

If your team utilizes a virtual phone service like LimePhone to send texts to US numbers, it's crucial to complete the US carrier registration form as soon as possible. This simple step ensures your messages are delivered successfully and helps maintain a positive reputation with residents. 

Check out our in depth guide on US carrier registration for the latest info!

Small Business Guide to A2P 10DLC Registration

Get Started with the Best Text Messaging Solution for Property Managers

In today's fast-paced world, both property managers and residents crave efficient communication channels. Texting emerges as a game-changer, offering a solution that streamlines communication for everyone involved. Let's explore how texting can significantly improve your property management experience:

1. Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlining Tasks and Saving Time

Texting fosters a communication style that is both concise and convenient. Residents can quickly send messages with questions or concerns, while property managers can efficiently respond with answers or updates. This eliminates the need for lengthy phone calls or back-and-forth email exchanges, resulting in significant time savings for everyone.

Reduced response times are another key benefit. Unlike emails that may languish in inboxes for hours, text messages typically receive responses within minutes. This allows for prompt resolution of issues and fosters a sense of responsiveness from the property manager.

2. Improved Resident Experience: Communication Made Easy

Residents appreciate the convenience and ease of use that texting offers. They can reach out to their property manager directly from their smartphones, eliminating the need to be tied to a computer or landline phone. This flexibility is especially valuable for busy residents who have limited time for traditional communication methods.

Furthermore, texting allows residents to stay informed about important updates, community events, and maintenance schedules. Property managers can leverage text messages to send reminders, announcements, and important information directly to residents' phones, ensuring everyone is kept in the loop.

Reduced frustration is another key benefit of texting. Residents can avoid the hassle of playing phone tag or waiting for email responses. Property managers can efficiently address issues and concerns, leading to a more positive and productive relationship with their residents.

In short, by incorporating texting into your communication strategy, you can elevate the resident experience by making communication more convenient, efficient, and transparent.

3. A Seamless Transition: Getting Started with Texting

Ready to unlock the benefits of texting for your property management needs? Consider taking advantage of a free, seven-day trial of LimePhone. We offer a user-friendly platform that allows you to easily integrate texting into your communication toolset.

With LimePhone, you can:

  • Send and receive text messages from your property's main office number.
  • Leverage shared numbers to ensure seamless communication across your team.
  • Utilize text templates to save time and maintain consistent messaging.
  • Enjoy a variety of features that promote efficiency and collaboration.

By taking advantage of our free trial, you can experience firsthand how texting can revolutionize the way you communicate with residents and prospects!

Sign up today for your FREE TRIAL and discover how LimePhone can revolutionize the way you communicate with residents and prospects!


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