A professional voicemail greeting is a recorded message that you set up on your phone to greet callers when you are unavailable to answer their call. A professional voicemail greeting typically includes your name, a polite greeting, and a message that lets callers know that you are unable to answer the phone at the moment. It may also include instructions for the caller to leave a message or contact you at a later time.
Why you need a voicemail script for your business
You've seen the commercials: “leaving a voicemail is like leaving a message in a bottle." While that might be poetic, it's also not very effective. If you want your voicemail to actually produce results, you need to have a script.
Your voicemail script should be brief, to the point, and contain a call to action. Start by introducing yourself, and then quickly get to the point. Let the person know why you're calling, and what you want them to do. Be sure to ask them to call you back, and provide your contact information.
Keep your voicemail brief, and make sure it sounds professional. You want to leave the person with a good impression, so they'll be more likely to call you back.
How to write a voicemail script
When leaving a voicemail you just have a few seconds to convey your point. So how do you make sure your message is clear and concise?
First, start by identifying the purpose of your call. Is this a sales call? An inquiry? A follow-up?
Once you know your goal, write a script that will help you achieve it. Make sure to keep it succinct and direct.
When leaving a voicemail, always introduce yourself and state the purpose of your call. Then, get right to the point. Add a call to action to the end of your message.

Here are a few sample voicemail greetings for your business cell phone number
Sure, here are some samples of professional voicemail greetings for your business cell phone number:
- "Hello, you've reached [Your Name] with [Your Business Name]. I'm unable to take your call right now, but please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for calling."
- "Thank you for calling [Your Business Name]. You've reached the voicemail of [Your Name]. I'm currently unavailable, but your call is important to me. Please leave a message, and I'll return your call promptly."
- "Hi, this is [Your Name] with [Your Business Name]. I'm sorry I can't answer your call at the moment, but please leave your name, number, and reason for calling, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you."
- "You've reached [Your Name] at [Your Business Name]. I'm sorry I missed your call, but please leave a message, and I'll return your call as soon as possible. In the meantime, feel free to visit our website at [Your Website URL] for more information about our products and services. Thank you."
- "Hello, you've reached [Your Name] with [Your Business Name]. I'm currently unavailable, but your call is important to me. Please leave your name, number, and a detailed message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for calling."
Here are a few sample voicemail greetings for the customer service phone number
- “Thank you for calling our customer service line. We are sorry we missed your call, but your satisfaction is important to us. Please leave a detailed message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.”
- “Hi, you have reached the customer service line for [company name]. Our team is currently unavailable, but please leave a message with your name, phone number, and reason for calling. We will respond as soon as possible.”
- “You have reached the customer service line for [company name]. Our team is either assisting other customers or unavailable at the moment. Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message, and we will contact you as early as possible.”
- “Thank you for calling the customer service line for [company name]. We appreciate your business and apologize that we missed your call. Please leave a message with your name, phone number, and the reason for your call, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.”
- “You've reached the customer service line for [company name]. We're sorry that we're unable to answer your call right now. Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message, and we'll return your call as soon as possible. Thank you for contacting us.”
- “Welcome to the customer service line for [company name]. Our team is busy assisting other customers at the moment, but please leave a message with your name, phone number, and the reason for your call, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.”
- “Thank you for calling [company name]. You've reached our customer service line. We're sorry we missed your call, but we're eager to help you with your questions or concerns. Please leave your name, phone number, and a detailed message, and we'll return your call as soon as we can.”
- “Hello, you have reached the customer service line for [company name]. We are sorry we are not available to take your call right now. Please leave a message with your name, phone number, and a brief explanation of why you're calling. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you for contacting us.”
Here are a few sample voicemail greetings for calls received after business hours
- “Thank you for calling [company name]. Our business hours are [insert hours], and we are currently closed. Please leave a message, and we will return your call as soon as possible during our regular business hours.”
- “Hello, you've reached the voicemail for [your name] at [company name]. I'm sorry I missed your call, but our office is currently closed. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.”
- “Thank you for calling [company name]. We are currently unable to take your call, but please leave a message with your name, phone number, and the reason for your call. We will call you back as soon as we return to the office.”
- “Hello, and thank you for calling [company name]. Our business hours are [insert hours], and we are currently closed. If you leave a detailed message, we will return your call as soon as possible during our regular business hours.”
- “You've reached the voicemail for [your name] at [company name]. I'm sorry I'm unable to take your call right now. Please leave a message with your name, phone number, and a brief description of your call. I'll get back to you as soon as possible during our regular business hours.”
Here are some sample voicemail greetings for holidays
"Hi, you've reached [your name]'s voicemail. I'm currently busy celebrating the joyous holiday season with my loved ones. Leave a message and I'll respond to your message as soon as I can. Merry Christmas!"
"Hey, it's [your name]. I'm grateful for all the wonderful people in my life, including you! I'm currently celebrating Thanksgiving with my family, but please leave a message, and I'll get back to you when I can. Have a blessed day!"
New Year:
"Hello, you've reached [your name]'s voicemail. I'm currently ringing in the new year with my friends and family. If you leave me a message, I'll make sure to get back to you as soon as I can. Happy New Year!"
"Hey, it's [your name]. I'm currently out trick-or-treating with my kids, but please leave a message, and I'll get back to you when I'm done collecting all the candy. Happy Halloween!"
Valentine's Day:
"Hi there, you've reached [your name]'s voicemail. I'm currently spending the day with my loved one, but please leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Happy Valentine's Day!"
Tips for making your voicemail script more effective
When leaving a voicemail, you only have a few seconds to make an impression. Here are four tips for making your business voicemail script more effective:
Keep it brief.
In most cases, you only have 30 seconds or less to leave a voicemail. Keep your message brief and to the point.
State your name and number.
Make sure to state your name and phone number at the beginning of your message. This will ensure that the person you are trying to reach can get back in touch with you.
Be clear and concise.
Be sure to speak clearly and concisely in your voicemail. This will help ensure that the person you are trying to reach can understand your message.
Use a positive tone.
Make sure to use a positive tone in your voicemail. This will help leave a good impression on the person you are trying to reach.
Creating a business voicemail script doesn't have to be difficult. Just follow these simple steps, and you'll be on your way to efficient and effective communication with your customers.

Mistakes to avoid while recording your voicemail greeting
When recording your voicemail greeting, it's important to avoid common mistakes. Here are a few tips:
Don't use a standard voicemail greeting.
Your voicemail greeting should be personal, and reflect your unique personality. Generic greetings sound boring and unprofessional.
Don't use a script.
When you read from a script, it sounds forced and unnatural. Instead, try to sound natural and conversational.
Don't speak too quickly.
When you speak too quickly, it's difficult to understand what you're saying. Take your time and speak slowly and clearly.
Don't use difficult words.
Keep your voicemail greeting simple and easy to understand. Avoid using difficult words or phrases that people may not be familiar with.
Don't use excessive slang.
While it's okay to use a little bit of slang in your voicemail greeting, don't go overboard. Slang can be difficult to understand and may alienate potential customers.
Don't be negative.
Your voicemail greeting should be positive and upbeat. Don't use it to complain about your job or express negative feelings.
Don't be too sales-y.
Your voicemail greeting is not the place to sell your products or services. Keep it brief and to the point.
Don't use long-winded explanations.
If you need to provide additional information, do it in a separate voicemail message. Keep your voicemail greeting brief and to the point.
Don't sound like a robot.
Avoid using a monotone voice or sounding too robotic. Be yourself and sound natural.
Don't forget to smile.
A smile is the best way to sound friendly and inviting. When you're recording your voicemail greeting, smile and relax your
What should you do if you're not sure what to say in your voicemail greeting?
If you're not sure what to say in your voicemail greeting, don't worry! You can always use our default voicemail greeting, or customize it to fit your needs.
Here are a few tips:
Keep it brief: Most people won't want to listen to a long voicemail greeting. Keep it to a few sentences, or even just a few words.
Be personal: A personalized voicemail greeting can make your caller feel more special.
Be friendly: A friendly voicemail greeting can set the tone for the rest of your conversation.
Be professional: If you're using your voicemail greeting for work, be sure to sound professional.
Why should you have a custom voicemail greeting?
There are a few reasons why you should have a custom voicemail greeting. First, it makes your business seem more professional. Having a custom voicemail greeting with your name and the name of your business lets your callers know they have reached the right place. Second, it helps you stand out from the competition.
By having a unique voicemail greeting, you differentiate yourself from other businesses. Finally, it's a great way to personalize your interactions with clients and customers.
A custom voicemail greeting shows that you care about your interactions with them and that you want to make a good impression.
Use the LimePhone app to record your greeting
LimePhone is a cutting-edge business phone service app for individuals, start-ups, and small enterprises. With LimePhone, you can customize your number to better represent your business and keep your personal and work communications distinct. Use your current cell phone to call your business number!
Using LimePhone, you can either create your business voicemail script or record your own voicemail greetings inside the app. You may even upload your own audio clips. Who thought a voicemail system could be so fun?
Want to learn more about LimePhone? Please visit https://www.limephone.io/.